Medical Loan Bad Credit
If you need medical treatment but don’t have insurance, you’re often left to cover the costs of medical treatment out of pocket. Your options for assistance are limited if you have limited income, few assets or challenge d credit. In seeking a medical loan bad credit may make you an undesirable client for a bank. In many cases, LoanNow can help. We say yes to many applicants that banks turn down.
Bank Medical Loans
In submitting an application for a bank medical loan bad credit or even fair credit can be a deal breaker unless you can offer collateral or have a creditworthy co-signer. Even if you have excellent credit, the process of applying for a bank loan can be painfully slow. If you’re dealing with a medical emergency, waiting weeks for a response may make it impossible to consider bank loans as an option.
Peer-to-Peer Medical Loans
Peer-to-peer lenders leverage the Internet and the crowd funding model to create a “marketplace” of available borrowers for lenders to choose from. Within this model borrowers and lenders may be located nearly anywhere in the world. Many borrowers and lenders never meet or speak with each other.
Borrowers seeking medical loans from peer-to-peer lenders often receive positive attention and a number of potential lenders. However, in submitting an application for a peer-to-peer medical loan bad credit may eliminate you as a borrower. That’s because many peer-to-peer lenders require would-be borrowers to have FICO scores at least in the mid-600 range before allowing them to create profiles. Applicants with lower scores are almost always turned away.
On the other hand, many potential borrowers are put off by the intrusiveness of the process of peer-to-peer lending. Borrowers must post extensive profiles that often include highly personal information. After all that, there are no guarantees that borrowers’ requests will be funded.
The LoanNow Option
With a LoanNow medical loan bad credit will not necessarily eliminate your application for possible approval. We look beyond your FICO score to asses your entire financial situation. If your credit problems resulted from a job loss or other unavoidable circumstance, you could be approved. And LoanNow doesn’t require you to post your entire life story for a public audience or wait weeks for a response. We know that when you’re dealing with a medical challenge, the last thing you need is more stress. Why not let LoanNow provide the funds you need so that you can concentrate on getting well!